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September 20, 2024
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Main Navigation Bar (Top of Page-Red Navigation Buttons)
Welcomes new visitors to our Web Site and provides them with a brief overview of our products and services. The Scrolling Marquee located here provides domain sellers with an area in which they can advertise their high profile domain names to ensure maximum visibility. Advertising in the Marquee can be obtained by subscribing to our PREMIERE services package.
Provides visitors to the site with an in depth look at who we are, and why we created DomainTrader. This area also provides the reader with an overview of the domain name industry and offers some insight as to what our philosophy is with respect to the overall importance of domain names in the new economy.
Explains in detail the services that DomainTrader provides to those interested in buying or selling Internet domain names, and active web based businesses.
-Buyers: Enjoy free access to the very best domain names available on the aftermarket.
-Sellers: Benefit from our inexpensive online advertising services and our no commission sales policies.
-Basic Service: Advertise 1 domain name in 1 category for 1 year for only $1.00
-Deluxe Service: Basic plus your domain is added to the Domain Showcase for 1 year for only $3.00.
-Premium Service: Deluxe plus your name is added in the Scrolling Marquee on our homepage for an entire year for only $5.00!
-Selling an Active Web Site: Link your domain name to any active Web Site for only $2.00 per year.
-Escrow Service:
DomainTrader takes the risk out of buying or selling aftermarket domain names.
-Payment Services: A guide to accepted payment methods and our mailing address for payment purposes.
-Multiple Venue Advertising: Learn how you maximize the interest in your domain names by advertising your domains on both and
The domain showcase is another highly visible display area where sellers can advertise their high profile domain names. Because of the navigational structure of the site, the domain showcase receives more visits than any other page of the site with the exception of our homepage.
An area of the site which enables those interested in advertising their domain names on DomainTrader  to submit their orders to us by completing and then submitting one simple form.
You are here! This page provides you with a comprehensive roadmap of our site and explains the purpose of each page of DomainTrader . We have placed active links from this page to each and every page on the site to make it easy for you to navigate quickly and easily to any page that interests you.
Side Navigation Links (Top Left Hand Side of Web Site)
Lists the various ways you can contact us. Our telephone number, email address, mailing address and information regarding our hours of operation are all listed here.
Provides a comprehensive list of answers to our most frequently asked questions (FAQ). Providing information for buyers, information for sellers as well as answers to an extensive list of questions people have about domain names and the domain name aftermarket.
The fine print. Specifies the terms and conditions under which users may access and use the information and services being provided by the Company. 
Details the opportunities that are available to Web developers, domain name registrars, Internet and other e-business service providers to advertise and partner with DomainTrader
This page explains how we take the risk out of buying and selling aftermarket domain names by protecting the interests of buyers and sellers involved in a domain name transaction.
For our cutomer's convienience, links to domain related web sites they may find useful.
An area where sold domain names are listed.
Domain Categories (Left Hand Side of Web Site)
A categorical listing of business related domain names.
A categorical listing of consumer related domain names. 
Domain names relating to the financial services industry. 
Food, leisure, and entertainment domain names.
A categorical listing of gaming industry related domain names.
Domain names related to the health, fitness, and wellness industries. 
A vertically scrolling listing of high profile domain names displayed on our homepage for maximum visibility.
Domain names for hobbyists and collectors.
A categorical listing of domain names pertaining to pets. 
Domain names relating to real estate and property management. 
A listing of 2 letter, 3 letter and 4 letter domain names. 
Domain names relating to sports and recreational activities.
Computer, Internet, and technology related domain names.
A categorical listing of travel, vacation and destination oriented domains. 
A listing of our uncategorized domain names.
A categorical listing of adult oriented domain names.
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